Source: Hinduism Today

HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA, September 28, 2001: Hundreds of Hindus mourn the loss of their sanctuary, as the Hindu Samaj of Hamilton Temple was deliberately set ablaze on Saturday September 15, 2001, in a mistaken backlash crime to the attacks on America. The fire totally destroyed the temple’s main Prayer Hall, leaving much of the temple unstable. In addition, nine priceless icons of the Gods as well as hundreds of irreplaceable holy book were lost in the fire. Officials have concluded that this was an act of arson and are continuing to investigate the case. Insurance coverage is unable to match the cost of the damages, inhibiting the community from promptly rebuilding their temple. As such, many Hindus are without a place of worship until suitable funds are collected. The temple has issued this appeal: “Our dedicated volunteers have taken on themselves to collect necessary funds. In addition, we have established an account at Canada Trust/TD Bank account. Please deposit your donations in this account (account # 160-5000-873). Or call to make a pledge at 1-800-667-1069. We ask all communities to donate generously to help us get back on our feet and stand together against hate crime. e-mail contact: