LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, September 29, 2001: Chakrapani Ullal, one of the world’s foremost Hindu astrologers, continues his analysis of the Attacks on America at “source” above. An excerpt: “What does all this mean? The question arises ‘Will there be a War in the traditional sense?’ The planets currently and in the future do indicate there are a certain amount of challenges our country will face, especially during April, May and June of 2002. And, as I mentioned earlier there are tense moments between December and February but I don’t think there is a real war in the traditional sense. It is my opinion, there could be a war in the non-traditional sense. The country’s chart is very strong and during the Moon Dashas, which we are in currently, even though the Moon is blemished because it is the ruler of the 8th house in the 3rd house, still it is well-placed, favorably aspected and the 5th house of the moon is extremely powerful indicating the ability of the administration to manage the country’s affairs skillfully with the least amount of suffering. But one cannot forget natural calamities affecting the country during this period of the malefic transits.”