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CARROLLTON, TEXAS, October 1, 2001: The Gospel for Asia and the All-India Christian Council issued the following press release today. No other information has appeared in the press reports monitored by HPI, and there no independent confirmation of what might simply be wishful thinking from The Gospel for Asia, a zealous evangelical organization run by an Indian Christian out of Texas. The release reads: “Dear Friends in Christ, I can’t over estimate the importance and urgency of this email regarding the probability of a revival that could begin in India on November 4, 2001. Three-hundred-million Dalits (low-caste “untouchables”) [actually he appears to mean 200 million Dalits and 100 million tribals] are on the verge of turning to the Christian faith. Over the past few months, high level leaders representing no less than 300 million Dalitshave been in dialogue with the All India Christian Council. (The AICC is the largest Evangelical network in India with membership of over 2,000 Mission organizations, denominations and other Christian entities.) Their simple request was: ‘The only way for our people to find freedom from 3,000 years of slavery is to quit Hinduism and Castism and embrace another faith. Christianity offers hope for us. We would be happy if our people would become Christians… can you help us?’ This request culminated in a historic meeting on September 7, 2001 in Hyberabad, India where over 740 top Evangelical leaders from across India met with 26 top Dalit leaders to discuss how this movement should be handled. Dr. Joseph D’Souza and Dr. K.P. Yohannan give leadership to the AICC which is committed to mobilize the Church body to respond to this most urgent challenge. Gospel for Asia is one of the largest Church planting movement in the subcontinent and has been busy in taking concrete steps to respond to this move of God. This mass exodus begins on November 4, 2001. At this time, one million low-caste Dalits are expected to meet in Delhi, India for a mass conversion event to Buddhism. Originally, these 1 million low-caste Dalits were to be asked to convert only to Bhuddism. Now, by God’s grace, the option of finding freedom in Christ will also be presented on November 4th, 2001. Will you please stand in the gap and get involved on behalf of millions who are about to follow the Lord Jesus? Please visit our website at for more information on how you can get involved.”