WASHINGTON, D.C., October 4, 2001: More than a hundred military chaplains may be called up to active duty along with reserve units, according to this report. US military chaplains for more than 200 years have conducted worship services, provided pastoral counseling and religious and moral education, as well as support in family services. They are also active in crisis intervention, community services and humanitarian programs. They may serve at the front lines, but do not engage in combat. There are chaplains serving in the US military of the Christian, Buddhist, Jewish and Muslim faiths. Hinduism Today magazine has reported on the military’s efforts to enlist a Hindu chaplain, and can assist anyone who might be interested. Many of the reserve chaplains are full-time church pastors, such as the Rev. Bill Wildhack, a chaplain and lieutenant commander in the Navy reserve, and a co-pastor of a Presbyterian church near St. Petersburg, Fla. “After the president said, ‘Be ready,’ we talked about what it will mean if the call comes – as to my family and also the congregation.”