Source: Times of India

GRAKHPUR, INDIA, October 7, 2001: The state government has regularized the service of 719 medical officers of Ayurvedic and Unani systems, both traditional medicines of India. UP Minister for Medical Education, NKS Gaur said that US$1.46 million had been released under the Prime Minister Rozgar Yojna to purchase ayurvedic and Unani medicines. The state cabinet has decided to introduce physiology, anatomy and drvya chikistha courses in the Ayurvedic College, Lucknow, he said adding that the government has approved $823,000 for strengthening the infrastructure of state ayurvedic and Unani medical colleges. According to Dr. Gaur the government has also decided to appoint 38 district homeopath medical officers in the state. The PG course would be started at Lucknow and Allahabad state homeopathic colleges soon.