Source: The Hindu

BANGALORE, INDIA, October 7, 2001: The Bangalore Gayan Samaj has plans of starting a institute of advanced studies and research in music, Mr. H. Kamalanath, President of the Samaj, announced. “We hope to inaugurate the institute in three years, coinciding with the Gayan Samaj’s centenary celebrations,” Mr. Kamalanath said. The Samaj recently honored Ms. Maya Rao, Kathak dancer and choreographer, with the title of “Natya Kalaratna,” and Dr. H. Narasimhaiah, veteran freedom fighter and educationist, with a “Vishesha Puraskara.” The Chief Minister, Mr. S M Krishan, said that the government would support the creation of the institute of advanced studies, and participate in the centenary celebrations of the Gayan Samaj.