NEW YORK, NEW YORK, October 10, 2001: To pay homage to the heroes and the victims of the World Trade Center attack, Battery Dance Company dancer Tadej Brdnik performed a hauntingly beautiful dance piece for the passers-by at the busy Franklin Street Triangle subway stop. From 8:00 a.m. to 8:15 a.m., the tall, striking Slovenian with cropped blond hair and searching eyes danced barefoot in a white silk suit. Brdnik swayed gracefully through the chilly morning air to an original piece of Indian music composed by Samir Chatterjee. Jonathan Hollander, who started the Battery Dance Company, an international dance troupe representing nine different nationalities, in 1976, said the members of the company decided a week ago to “recognize what had happened and commemorate the situation by doing what we do.” The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center forced Battery Dance Company to cancel several fundraising events scheduled for September. “The fragility of organizations like ours isn’t in people’s focus,” Hollander said. “This tribute was a way to show ourselves that we will go on.”