HOUSTON, TEXAS, October 21, 2001: Houston will be using the VHP-UK book “Explaining Hindu Dharma: A Guide to Teachers” for seminars starting Nov. 8, 2001, for teachers in the greater Houston area. The three-hour seminar will target mainly social studies which are World History and World Geography. Short lectures with PowerPoint presentations, along with PowerPoint presentations on CDROM will be available for the teachers to print out transparencies for use in class. Paperback copies of the text will be available to those attending at a reduced price. Teachers will be made aware of opportunities for guided tours of Sri Meenakshi Temple in Pearland. This is an effort of the local Hindu community under the banner of World Hindu Council, Houston Chapter, in the hope that it can become a model for similar seminars nationwide. For further information and/or for follow-up information after the first seminar contact Beth Kulkarni, President, World Hindu Council, Houston Chapter, at “source” above.