NEW YORK, NEW YORK, October 29, 2001: The Chronicle of Philanthropy’s list of the nation’s leading charities reports the Salvation Army raised US$1.44 billion in 2000, an increase of 3.1 percent since 1999, making it the number one charity. Overall, the top U.S. charities saw donations increase 13 percent from 1999 to 2000. The Philanthropy 400 survey ranks 400 of the nation’s largest nonprofits by the amount of money they raise from private sources. Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund was ranked second and the YMCA was ranked third. Other than the Salvation Army, several religiously oriented charities were among the top 25 in the ranking. Lutheran Services in America ranked fifth, with $710 million. Catholic Charities USA ranked No. 13, with $414 million. Feed the Children, a Christian relief organization based in Oklahoma City, ranked 16th with $396 million. World Vision, a Christian relief organization based in Federal Way, Wash., ranked No. 17, with $372 million. Habitat for Humanity International ranked No. 18, with $371 million. Campus Crusade for Christ International ranked No. 21, with $326 million. The Salvation Army has an intensive program aimed at being designated in wills. This long-term strategy has greatly increased their income.