USA, October 27, 2001: A little-known weapon in the U.S. Army’s arsenal is a mobile house of worship that could be called “The Stealth Sanctuary,” according to a report by smh.com of Australia. The “containerized chapel” can be dropped from a cargo plane and within six hours be transformed into a multi-denominational religious center serving Christians, Jews and Muslims. “Removed from its storage container and assembled, it is 20 meters long and seats 100. It has its own altar power supply, electronic piano and a digital hymnal.” It’s all in a day’s work for Natick Labs, the scientific center that develops high-tech products for the military. “We like to say that we not only take care of the soldier’s body, but of his spirit,” said Ben Richardson, the chaplain at Natick Labs, who helped develop the chapel. “It’s true that there are no atheists in foxholes.”