CANADA, NOVEMBER 20, 2001: Asking military chaplains to forego their Christian beliefs during public services represents a new low in political correctness, says Canadian alliance member of parliament Art Hanger. “How on earth can a Christian chaplain represent a Muslim cleric?” asked the former defense critic. “Unless they’re going to pray to a generic god, how can they represent other faiths? The military office of the chaplain general issued a new policy on public prayer last summer, asking its chaplains not to refer to certain fundamental aspects of their faith. Some of those references include the Lord’s Prayer, as well as certain traditional Christian phrases like “Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” Hanger, an Alberta MP, said the recent policy change has more to do with politics than the makeup of today’s Canadian military. For others, including devout Roman Catholic and former soldier Peter Story, the change is welcome. “I totally agree with what they’ve done and I think it’s important,” he said. He added that it’s not about being “generic,” but rather its an effort to include people of all faiths.