MADISON, WISCONSIN, December 5, 2001: Frank Morales of the University of Wisconsin at Madison writes, “This proposed anthology will include papers by leading scholars and professors who specialize in many fields of South Asian Studies. These fields include: Religious Studies, Philosophy, History, Literature, Political Science, Languages, Indigenous Sciences, Anthropology, Geology, Psychology, Medical Sciences, Sociology, etc. The focus of the book will be on new approaches, epistemological issues and methodological developments that will encourage a shift in South Asian Studies away from a neo-colonialist perspective and towards a perspective that is more sympathetic to the indigenous Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh and Jain cultures of South Asia. Additionally, we are especially seeking papers that critique the last 200 years of Indology/South Asian Studies, either on specific points or more generally. Papers must strictly fit these criteria to be considered for inclusion.” Contact “source” above for further information.