DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA, December 09, 2001: Welfare organizations have launched a campaign to stop what has been described as a “crisis” in the Indian community of Pietermaritzburg after the suicide of 15 children in the past seven months. In addition to the fatalities, between 100 and 150 children in the predominantly Indian areas of Northdale and Raisethorpe attempted suicide, according to clinical psychologist Rani Moodley. Most of the children who died were from middle-class families, attended secondary schools, and were younger than 15. Ten of the suicides were males. The Famcare Therapy Center, Community Chest, sports groups, and teachers in the city have launched a campaign called “Love to Live — War on Suicide,” aimed at educating families. Aroo Naidoo, a Community Chest counselor in Pietermaritzburg, said Indian children resorted to suicide more easily because of “subtle” pressures that become too much to bear. “There is communication, but the Indian community sets high standards for itself in terms of education and home ownership,” said Naidoo.