NEW YORK, USA: December 19, 2001: Cows across America are receiving the latest in cattle comfort with a special bovine waterbed, a filled rubber mattress which can be used both in the field and in the stall, according to this BBC article. Sometimes they’ll stand there waiting for a cow to leave so they can get in on the waterbed. The bed, which contains some 65 liters of water, moulds to the shape of the cow’s body when it lies down and appears to provide the beast with a more comfortable rest. “We’re real interested in making our cows more comfortable,” said John Marshman, a farmer from New York State who has provided most of his herd with a bed each. “Everybody is trying to pamper their cows these days because anything that makes a cow more comfortable increases her happiness and productivity.” Mr. Marshman said that the cows were “initially shocked” by their new beds during a trial run. “But once they got used to them they seemed to prefer them. They let us know that they liked them, so we went and got more.” At Fisher Farms in Lenox, cows apparently now wait for a cowbed to be vacated and quickly move in. The beds, which the manufacturer — Relative Products — says can last up to 20 years, cost nearly $200 each.