NEW DELHI, INDIA, January 16, 2002: Indian scientists have made an archaeological find dating back to 7500 bce suggesting the world’s oldest cities came up about 4,000 years earlier than is currently believed. The revelation comes about 8 months after acoustic images from the sea-bed suggested the presence of built-up structures resembling the ancient Harappan civilization, which dates back around 4,000 years. The scientists found pieces of wood, remains of pots, fossil bones and what appeared like construction material just off the coast of Surat, Science and Technology Minister Murli Manohar Joshi told a news conference. Although Paleolithic sites dating back around 20,000 years have been found on the coast of India’s western state of Gujarat before, this is the first time there are indications of man-made structures as old as 9,500 years found deep beneath the sea surface.