Source: Press Reports

NEW DELHI, INDIA, January 21, 2002: Orphanages usually give only physical sustenance to abandoned or orphaned children who have lost one or more parents. Not so with the Arya orphanages started over 30 years ago by Swami Shraddhanand and donated to Des Raj Chaudhury. Today, in addition to taking care of the physical needs of 1,100 children, the institution educates and instills morals and values in their wards. Assuming the mothering role, teachers at the six orphanages are also responsible for religious instruction. Six-year-olds perform six o’clock pujas and recite Gayatri mantras and other slokas. As they mature, students are well prepared to enter society. Many return to serve at the orphanage. Operating expenses average about $US38.00 per month for each child, most of which comes from grants and donations.