Source: HPI Correspondent, Anil Mahabir

TRINIDAD, February 7, 2002: The University of the West Indies together with the Hindi Foundation of Trinidad & Tobago and the High Commission for the Republic of India are hosting a conference, which will take place from May 17 to 19, 2002. The title of the conference is “Hindi Language, Literature and Culture: A Caribbean Perspective.” In Trinidad, the Hindi language is taught at primary and secondary schools, at the university, the Gandhi Institute and at temples. Hindi is also taught in Guyana and Suriname; although in Suriname most, if not all, Indians already speak Hindi as a second language, after Dutch. In Suriname, Hindi is also spoken by certain non-Indians, who live in predominantly Indian areas. The organizers of the conference say, “It is now time for scholarly reflection and guidance on the teaching of the language in Trinidad.” The purpose of the conference therefore is to focus on the teaching of Hindi in the Caribbean, to discuss the various experiences of teachers of the language as well as to interface with international scholars in the field. Scholars are being invited to make presentations on the teaching of Hindi as a foreign language, the development of language teaching materials for Caribbean people as well as the role of literature and culture, including films, and songs in the Hindi language program. The conference will take at the University of the West Indies. The deadline for submitting extracts is March 18. The deadline for the actual conference paper is April 18. Interested persons may contact the Conference Secretariat at the Centre for language Learning, University of the West Indies, E-Mail: and . Telephone/fax: 662-0758