NEW YORK, USA, February 8, 2002: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America has protested to the American Museum of National History here for exhibiting two documentaries. They say the films distort the history of Hinduism and India and have asked for their withdrawal. In a letter to Director of Public Affairs of the museum, Elaine Charnov, General Secretary of the Parishad, Gaurag G. Vaishnav says the documentaries “not only mislead the viewer because of gross distortions of facts but also help advance politically motivated Marxist agenda.” The letter says in one of the videos, Rama, the main character in the epic “Ramayana,” was an Aryan who enslaved Dravidian people and called them his monkeys. In Indian history, it explained, the word “Arya” has never referred to a race but rather to nobility of spirit, thought and deeds.