FEBRUARY 3, 2002: For those who dream of a better life, science has bad news; this is the best it is going to get. Our species has reached its biological pinnacle and is no longer capable of changing. That is the controversial view of a group of biologists who believe a Western lifestyle now protects humanity from the forces that used to shape Homo sapiens. “If you want to know what Utopia is like, just look around. This is it,” said Professor Steve Jones, of University College London, who is to present his argument at a Royal Society Edinburgh debate, ‘Is Evolution Over?’ next week. This view is controversial, however. Other scientists argue that mankind is still being influenced by the evolutionary forces that created the myriad species which have inhabited Earth over the past three billion years. Human populations are now being constantly mixed, producing a blending, that some scientists believe, blocks evolutionary change. Hence, the blending of our genes which will soon produce a uniformly brown-skinned population. Apart from that, there will be little change in the species. However, such arguments affect only the Western world — where food, hygiene and medical advances are keeping virtually every member of society alive and able to pass on their genes. In the developing world, no such protection exists. Sri Aurobindo taught that the next evolution of humanity would be in consciousness more than the physical form.