MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE, February 15, 2002: In a growing scandal for the Archdiocese of Boston, Roman Catholic leaders on Friday named 14 New Hampshire priests accused of sexual misconduct over a quarter-century. The Diocese of Manchester, which covers the state, gave the names to prosecutors and the public. “What I report is sad in one way because it is about sin, sickness and crime,” Manchester Bishop John B. McCormack said Friday. “And yet in another way it is hopeful news in that our church and community will know that no priest is now serving in ministry who has to our knowledge engaged in sexual misconduct with a minor.” Eighty priests in Massachusetts have been identified in recent weeks as having abused children over the past 40 years. Previously the Church had keep secret any reports of misconduct. Now some priests and the church face dozens of lawsuits there. Some of the lawsuits accuse Cardinal Bernard Law and other leaders of knowing about sexual assaults but failing to stop them.