TRINIDAD, February 23, 2002: Hindus comprise the second largest religious group in Trinidad and Tobago after Roman Catholics. Most Indians are Hindus, and Indians form just over half of the population (a total of 1.3 million) of the tiny Caribbean island. The Indo-Caribbean Cultural Council announces the publication and sale of its latest souvenir magazine, “Divali November, 2001, in Trinidad and Tobago.” The theme of the magazine is the need for dialogue. It carries an interview with V.S.Naipal, the winner of the 2001 Noble Prize for Literature. There are insights into the lives of Hindus in Trinidad, political columns, and short stories within its 44 pages. Postal address for further information is Indo-Caribbean Cultural Council Swami Avenue, Don Miguel Road San Juan, Trinidad and Tobago West Indies or e-mail “source” above.