PUERTO RICO, March 1, 2002: Among a few Hindu or Hindu-based organizations in the territory of the US is the Self Realization Fellowship. They have an open house scheduled at their San Juan Center on Sunday May 19 at noon. Retreats are held the first weekend of the month. The purpose of the open houses are to welcome new comers and give them a sense of the history and teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and SRF. The Puerto Rican center of SRF at San Juan was established in the early 1950s. It is coordinated by a managing council under the direction of monastics from the international head quarters of SRF in Los Angeles, an international nonprofit organization founded in 1920 by Paramahamsa Yogananda to introduce people of all races, cultures and creeds the ancient science and philosophy of yoga and its time honored methods of meditation. Puerto Rico has a Satya Sai Mandir, a Vedanta Society, a number of yoga teachers, an ayurvedic shop and several vegetarian restaurants.