PERTH, AUSTRALIA, February 24, 2002: A Christian group is outraged at a Geraldton pilot project in which lawbreakers are avoiding jail and hefty fines by instead taking Transcendental Meditation courses. Concerned Christians Growth Ministries say the meditative technique is based on the Hindu religion — an accusation Transcendental Meditation groups deny. The meditation instead of jail trial is part of a controversial program being tested by the department for 12 months. The alternative sentencing regime uses therapy, mainly meditation, in an attempt to solve lawbreakers’ problems and prevent re-offending. Ministries director, Reverend Adrian van Leon, said the meditation techniques, based on the teachings of Indian spiritual leader Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, was proven to be religion-based in a 1976 US District Court case. Articles written by Magistrate Dr Michael King, denied the technique was religion-based and claimed it was compatible with his own Christian religion and also with atheism. The Leederville-based Transcendental Meditation center said the technique was spiritual rather than religious.