NEW DELHI, INDIA, March 3, 2002: A senior psychiatrist at Columbia University, New York, Dr. Richard P Brown, says certain yogic breathing techniques may help people connect better with each other and regulate their dietary intake and thereby help lose weight. In New Delhi to participate in a two-day international symposium on Sudarshan Kriya, Pranayam and consciousness, organized by the Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital at the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences in association with the Times Foundation, Brown has been experimenting with meditation techniques to cure his patients of depression. Dr. Brown explains, yogic breathing techniques such as Pranayam and Sudarshan Kriya can activate certain positive bodily processes. Rapid breathing activates a nerve, Vagus, that connects with the diaphragm and some of the organs, including the heart and the brain. As a result of this stimulation, messages are sent along three different pathways that tell the body to shut off areas of worry while awakening areas that control feelings of happiness in the brain. Dr. Brown began quite early on in his practice of psychiatry looking for natural treatments. The best results so far have been with Sudarshan Kriya he said. “Doctors need to understand that there is a scientific basis to it and it is not just a suggestion. It helps control eating disorders as well.”