NEW DELHI, INDIA, March 10, 2002: Muslim leaders in India have rejected a proposal which was meant to ease tensions over a disputed holy site in the northern town of Ayodhya. The proposal was made by one of India’s top Hindu religious leaders who is mediating with the Vishwa Hindu Parishad. The Shankaracharya of Kanchi, Jayendra Saraswati, had suggested that Hindus be given the land next to the disputed area for a symbolic prayer pending a judgement by the Supreme Court on Wednesday. Senior Muslim leaders under the banner of the All-India Muslim Personal Law Board rejected the idea at a meeting in Delhi. Muslims are angry that although the VHP says it will accept whatever ruling the Indian Supreme Court makes on the future of the site, it is still planning to hold a symbolic prayer ceremony there on 15 March. There is apprehension in India that this ceremony could spark a new round of violence.