Source: BBC

UNITED KINGDOM, February 27, 2002: This BBC news report brings to light some of the insights about prayer. Dr. David Laws of the University of Manchester, who has studied the effects of prayer on sick patients said, “For me it’s not a matter of persuading God to do something, but of people praying for peace looking to become peaceful people. It starts with the internal effect and that, hopefully, will have an impact on the outside world.” Professor Leslie Francis of the University of Bangor has conducted 31 experiments to determine the results of prayer. Hundreds of patients recovering from heart surgery were divided into two groups, one group was prayed for, one group was not prayed for. No one in either group knew about the experiments. Laws said, “The findings are quite staggering. Studies show that patients in hospital who are being prayed for (even when they do not know they are being prayed for) are more likely to recover.”