Source: Press Release

INDIA, March 6, 2002: Sri Shivarudrabalayogi issued the following message on the occasion of Sivaratri in response to devotees’ questions about violence in the world. “Do not worry, the violence will recede. Since the Beginning, these tensions have always come in the Creation of the Divine from time to time. There is no need to worry. Meditate, light a candle and pray for peace. Pray that peace and happiness prevail in the world and that people’s minds will become peaceful and non-violent. Pray for a better world. You can pray as individuals or in a group. Even one person praying sincerely can make a difference. Results come from sincerity. Do not worry, God will help with world. Prayer is very important. Sincerely close your eyes, concentrate between the eyebrows and then pray to the Divine directly. Pray for your individual peace and for the peace of the world. We need not pray using any specific name of God, necessarily. God is One. Pray to the all-pervading Divine. Mind also belongs to the Divine. Like a concentrated ray of the Sun touches back to the Sun — when the mind gets concentrated it touches introvert to the Divine and and Divine Grace will naturally flow. Concentrate your mind and pray sincerely for yourself and the whole world so that all may have Peace.”