Source: Hindu Press International

USA, March 16, 2002: HPI reader Mira Goshal complained to CNN about their “Crossfire” program on the McDonald’s beef- tainted fries issue. She wrote to CNN, “I watch your program almost every night and I enjoy it immensely. In this case, I feel that you hurt my feelings and the religious principles of many of your viewers. The fact that you both ate french fries on the air was very insulting to those of us who feel cheated by yet another corporation, this time not Enron. Some people who are vegetarians have friends who are not, and we sometimes have to go to places that serve meat. That is just a fact of life for us. To enjoy the company of friends who like taking their children to McDonald’s, I would sometime get some french fries and a soft drink–just to be sociable. I am not a member of the law suit brought by the Indian lawyer who you interviewed tonight. But I support his work wholeheartedly! I should be able to trust that what I am putting into my body, indeed is what is promised by the corporation. I feel that you were both very hard on him tonight. You would have never treated him this badly if he were a member of a politically correctly viewed “minority” in this country. I feel that you both owe an apology to the Hindu community of this country.” Mira wrote HPI, “To my great surprise a portion of my letter was read at the end of their program this evening. The hosts even seemed apologetic when they read the text of my letter.”