HYDERABAD, INDIA, March 26, 2002: “Buddha, Jesus, Christ and Marx are the ideal persons for our society,” stated Kancha Illaiah. He teaches politics at the Government Women’s College, Koti, Hyderabad, is active in the Dalit-Bahujan [Scheduled and Backward Caste] movement and wrote a book, “Why I Am Not A Hindu.” His remarks at a convention on Dalit literature reflect one controversial view of the place of Hinduism in India. According to this article, he claimed more and more people in the world are turning to Christianity and Islam as they preached equality among humans unlike Hinduism which divided people on the basis of caste and religion. He criticized the brahmin caste and said, “The Bhagvad Gita only taught how to kill the people, which is being followed by brahmins in this country.”