KAULA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, April 2, 2002: The Malaysia Hindu Sangam announced today that Dr. Srinivasan, representative of the Shankaracharya of Kanchi, Jayendra Saraswati, is visiting Malaysia to arrange a visit by the Shankaracharya in the near future. He is meeting with Hindu leaders April 4 at 7:30 pm at Kalaamandapam, Lorong Scott, off Jalan Scott in KL. It is not known how Jayendra would travel to Malaysia, but if he flies, it would be the first time one of the Shankaracharyas has “crossed the ocean” to another country. Previously he has flown to Nepal. On the April 5, 2002, the Shankaracharya will offer “Yegnyopaveetam” to Lord Venkateswara at the famed Tirumala temple in Andrha Pradesh. The Yegnyopaveetam is made of three and a half kilos gold and is studded with diamonds and other navaratna gem stones.