KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, April 2, 2002: A conference entitled “The Malaysian Indian in the New Millennium — Rebuilding Community” is planned here June 1 and 2, 2002. The main aim of the conference is to reflect upon the position of Malaysian Indians at the beginning of the new millennium, taking into account the many challenges facing the community and the directions it should take for the future. The Indian community in Malaysia, state the organizers, is an extraordinary force that has not only made significant contributions to the development of the nation but has also infused it with civilizational values and cultures. The community is however, fragmented and development within it, grossly uneven. Its share of poverty and social ills is disproportionate to its position in the larger Malaysian community. The loss of self esteem within the community, external derision and the absence of unifying factors to forge a single identity are some of the problems that have to be addressed urgently. The community has to be rebuilt and its respect regained so that its members may be vested with a more purposeful sense of identity. Click “source” above for more information.