STRATHFIELD SOUTH, AUSTRALIA, April 3, 2002: Dr A. Kandiah, a Tamil scholar and a prolific writer has taken up the task of publishing a book, “Hindu Temples in Australia.” This is the first book published cataloguing the Hindu Temples in Australia with a brief description of each temple. In the conclusion Dr Kandiah states: “From our survey we can reasonably conclude that the worship of Siva, Murugan, Vishnu and Vinayakar in Australia was originally initiated in the form of congregational prayer. Later, those who participated in the prayer meetings formed associations to build temples for the Lord. The Sri Lankan Tamil Hindus are in the forefront of initiating and building temples for Lord Murugan and the Indian Hindu communities are mainly in the forefront for Siva and Vishnu Temples. The worship of Murugan is more prevalent among the Sri Lankan Tamil Hindus.” For more information, click “source” above.