BANGALORE, INDIA, March 15, 2002: Kaushalendra (“source” above), secretary for the Nagpur RSS offices, writes, “The meeting of the Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha held at Jansewa Avasi Vidya Kendra, Bangalore on March 15, 16 and 17, 2002. Sarkaryawah Shri Mohan Bhagwat presided over the meeting. Param Pujya Sarsanghchalak Ma. K. S. Sudarshan and Ex-Sarsanghchalak Ma. Rajjubhaiyaji were also present at the General Body meeting. In the beginning, the meeting paid homage to Poojya Swami Sivaya Subramuniya at his attaining the Mahasamadhi by observing two minutes silence. It is a great loss to his organization and to the whole Hindu society world over. The A. B. P. S. shares the unbearable grief of the bereaved family and prays to the All Merciful to give fortitude to all his followers to suffer it. May his vision lead us all to enlightenment.”