NEW YORK, NEW YORK, April 14, 2002: “For a species that has transformed mating into an obsession, human beings over the centuries have shown an abiding interest in the opposite of sex — celibacy,” begins this interesting article. “The practice is in the spotlight these days because of the molestation scandal which has rekindled debate over whether the Roman Catholic Church should allow married priests. But it’s actually been followed in many cultures since ancient times: by secluded monks, Rome’s Vestal Virgins, and powerful leaders such as Mohandas Gandhi and Queen Elizabeth I. It remains an exalted ideal in several religions, and has become a trendy lifestyle choice for some people with no religious motives. … In Hinduism, celibacy is considered an important virtue, practiced by supreme priests but not required of all priests. Many Hindus, Gandhi among them, believe abstinence is a way to convert sexual energy into spiritual energy.” For the rest of the article, click “source” above.