GUJARAT, INDIA, April 15, 2002: Morari Bapu is among the country’s foremost preachers on the Ramayana, traveling around the globe preaching in Gujarati or Hindi interspersed with joyous song. He was also one of the few prominent religious figures to join peace efforts (in Rajkot, Ahmedabad and Mehsana) during last month’s sectarian disturbances in Gujarat. In an interview he refused to be drawn into specifics or certain controversial areas but with references to the Ramayana and other sources he expressed his views on the recent disturbances in Gujarat and the Ayodhya movement. “In the Ramayana it says ‘Param Dharam Shruti Bidit Ahimsa.’ In other words Ahimsa (non violence) is param dharam (prime religion). Violence in the name of religion is not good. What divides is not religion, what joins is religion,” said Morari Bapu. When asked how peace could be brought to Gujarat, he said: “In my view whatever events have happened, they should stop and we should build a bridge of trust in each other and love. People should go to the victims. The Ramayama talks of love of all towards one another. That is the kind of atmosphere we should create and in the true sense build a Ramrajya which is Prem Rajya (kingdom of love).”