BANGKOK, THAILAND, April 20, 2002: Bangkok authorities will distribute 100,000 vials of 100-year-old holy water from a Hindu temple to celebrate the city’s 220th anniversary this weekend, a religious leader said Saturday. The distribution of the holy water at a ceremony Sunday is intended to recreate a ritual performed at the city’s founding, when religious figures spread holy water to bless and protect the city. The water had been stored at Thailand’s national Brahmin temple in Bangkok for more than 100 years, said Pra Rachakru Varmthepmuni, a Hindu priest who will supervise the ceremony. City officials will issue 100,000 tickets that can be exchanged for the vials of holy water at the City Pillar shrine, in the historic Sanam Luang area of central Bangkok. During the ceremony, Hindu priests and Buddhist monks are expected to read out ancient verses to bring good fortune to the city and its dwellers. Several major avenues in central Bangkok will be closed for parades. More than 90 percent of Thailand’s 62 million inhabitants are Buddhists. However, Thai Buddhism has strong elements of Hinduism, and many Thais believe in Hindu Gods.