NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA, April 28, 2002: Strathfield Library Service is conducting an oral history project on the Tamil community to document the experiences of this migrant group. The “Tamils And Their Neighbors Oral History Project” has been funded by a Library Development Grant from the Library Council of New South Wales. The population of the Strathfield Municipality shows the Sri Lankan community comprises 1,128 persons totaling nearly 10% of oversees-born persons from non-English speaking countries. They are the second largest community of persons from non-English speaking countries living in the Strathfield area. The project will develop the Library’s Local Studies collection, particularly the oral history collection, while providing information on the Tamil community. The Tamil community has been selected because of the minimal amount of research which has been undertaken for this community in the area. They hope the project will promote a positive image of the Tamil community set against a background of displacement from their homeland. Margaret Roberts, Local Studies Librarian is coordinating the project. For more information or if you would like to participate, contact her at “source” above.