MUMBAI, INDIA, May 6, 2002: Hindustani classical music’s living legend Pandit Jasraj (73 yrs old) told the magazine “God And I” that his first introduction to God was when he was just 14, in the year 1944. He told of being asked along with his brother to accompany their music guru Pandit Maniramji to Ahmedabad to sing. However, his brother lost his voice. Their spiritual guru Maharaj Jaiwant Singh told him that if he sang for God alone a miracle would happen. The guru prayed and asked his brother to sing. The boy who could hardly talk before that was then able to sing from 12 midnight to 6 in the morning. “I was thus introduced to God and at a personal level,” said Pandit Jasraj. “Remember that God makes sure that you believe in his presence. Once that happens you cannot severe the relationship. Once you connect to a form or a deity after loosing your own self, then only you can really see Him.”