Source: The Hindu

NEW DELHI, INDIA, May 14: The Central Government today extended the ban on the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam for a further period of two years under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. The earlier ban was scheduled to come to an end today. Announcing the decision, the Government said the LTTE’s unlawful activities on the Indian soil as well its contacts and liaison with other extremist groups had been a matter of grave concern. Sympathy for the Tamil Eelam concept still remained and forces were still at work to further the cause of a “separate Tamil Nadu,” through secession from India and for this they drew inspiration and sustenance from the LTTE. In view of the sensitivity of the matter and keeping in view that the LTTE had systematically infiltrated into Tamil Nadu, the Centre and the Tamil Nadu Government felt that circumstances existed which rendered it necessary to declare the LTTE as unlawful. The Tamil Nadu Government had sent a proposal to the Centre for banning the organization for a further period of two years, an official press release said.