WILSON, WYOMING, May 16, 2002: Aama’s Journey: A Pilgrimage Between Continents and Cultures is an illustrated lecture presentation by Broughton Coburn, a best-selling author and Harvard graduate who has spent two of the past three decades in the Himalayas. This program headlined America’s Knife and Fork Clubs (35 appearances) and has thrilled museums, associations, social groups, universities, schools, libraries and professional societies across the United States. If you know of a venue that may be interested in booking this fascinating, rollicking and poignant program, please visit “source” above, www.unusualspeaker.com or phone (307) 733-4124. Broughton’s original book, “Amma in America” is the delightful tale of the former peace-corp volunteer who decided to bring “Amma,” an elderly lady in the village in Nepal he served in, to America. The ensuing adventures of this very odd couple in America are a charming commentary on the wisdom and insight of this supposedly “backward” village lady who fearlessly takes on, among other issues, Western irreverence for the Divine.