BANGALORE, INDIA, April 25, 2002: An infrequent and distinctive configuration happening only once in a century where five planets ( Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) are grouped together on the same side of the Sun, has an eminent Indian astrologer predicting tough times in the world. Gayatri Devi Vasudev, who correctly interpreted the science of astrology to foretell the September 11 tragedy, says, “The months of May and June, 2002, will not be peaceful for the world.” She predicts that India will face harsh criticism for not putting a stop to the violence in Gujarat state, that Pakistan’s military ruler will soon exit his office and that the United States will suffer a setback in its war against terrorism. Gayatri Devi further says, “The charts only indicate trends that can be countered by faith in God and in the inherent divinity of fellow humans.”