FRANCE, May 28, 2002: What could be the oldest lifelike drawings of human faces have been uncovered in a cave in southern France. The images were first recognized over 50 years ago, but were then lost after doubts were cast on their authenticity. The drawings were found on the floor of prehistoric painted caves. Over 1,500 slabs were found on which images were etched. Of interest to HPI was the discovery of a series of pits in one floor arranged in the shape of the Pleiades star cluster. Drawings of the Pleiades have been found by Dr. Rappenglueck on the walls of many Neolithic caves in several parts of Europe, but until now no cosmic marks had been found on cave floors. He speculates that the small holes could have been filled with animal fat and set alight mimicking the flickering stars in the sky. “Perhaps this is the origin of the candlelit festivals of the Far East where lighted candles are held in the shape of the Pleiades. Perhaps it is a tradition that stretches back tens of thousands of years into our Stone Age past.” It is part of Hindu tradition that Lord Muruga came from the Pleiades, and that souls living on this Earth came from the Pleiades with Him.