UNITED KINGDOM, May 30, 2001: Scotland is losing its religion, according to research published in the Church of England Newspaper. The paper says that 30 years ago almost everyone claimed a religious identity, but now over one-third have no religious affiliations. In 1972, 43% of Scots said they rarely or never attended church. The paper states, “This figure has risen to over 60% today. Even of those who claim to belong to the Kirk (The Presbyterian Church of Scotland), half go less than once a year, and 12% claim to regularly attend.” The findings derive from the questioning of 1,600 people last year about their faith as part of the annual Scottish Social Attitudes survey. Belief in God has also slipped significantly. In 1957, 41% of people in Britain believed in a personal God, but in Scotland in 2001 only a quarter would now agree. The percentages reveal one the UK’s (and Europe’s) stark differences with America. In the USA, more than 90% of people profess a belief in God.