LONDON, ENGLAND, May 20, 2002: Jailed heroin addicts are being taught yoga and acupuncture as part of a unique rehabilitation program. Many who commit crimes to support drug habits are being given the holistic sessions to relieve stress and wean them off their addictions. Prisoners being rehabilitated back into the community and convicted criminals on probation are taking part in this trial program currently offered in Leicestershire and Rutland. Assistant chief officer of Leicestershire and Rutland Probation Service, Paul Hindson, said the program has proven a great success so far. He said: “I have not come across any other schemes in the country that have the range of interventions that we have. A drug user comes with a multitude of problems and we have a multitude of ways to deal with those problems. Some things we do are standard process across the country, like group sessions and developing life skills. But we also have a number of alternative methods like yoga and acupuncture.”