KAUAI, HAWAII, June 15, 2002: The ground-breaking book, “How to Become a Hindu” by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, has been posted in its entirety at “source” above. The press release reads, “What is it like to enter an Asian religion fully? And how does a Hindu recharge his faith with deeper meaning and life-guidance? Stories from Americans, Canadians and Europeans recounting their dramatic, sometimes intense, passage from Western faiths to Hinduism vivify and clarify this historic religious pattern. Their pioneering tales will fascinate social and religion readers. Marriage between couples of differing faiths is more and more commonplace in a global world. Indo-Americans who are Hindu are often marrying outside their religion, and eventually face upsetting challenges in their married life, especially when it comes to raising children in a religious way. “How to Become a Hindu” offers honest reflection and recommendations for these couples. For Hindu/yoga leaders–ordained and lay–the book is the first-ever how-to guide, an immensely useful tool explaining each step of the way into Hinduism. The core meaning of Hindu identity and Hindu openness to newcomers is explored with stimulating insight, clear perception and powerful voices from India’s great thinkers. The idea of conversion to Hinduism is much debated. As this book gently chronicles, conversion is often balked at by overly-westernized Hindus to the degree that misinformation and disinformation litter the debating field. How to Become a Hindu brings together for the first time the historic and contemporary views from scripture and powerful Hindu thinkers that clearly uphold and celebrate an easy, natural passage to Hinduism. Non-Hindus and Hindus alike will find here insights and knowledge not normally found in conventional Hindu books. Includes a name list and comparison of the beliefs of the world’s religions.”