VARANASI, INDIA, June 15, 2002: The local administration has responded to an offer from Italy seeking collaboration between the two ancient cities of Venice and Varanasi to fight against pollution and all other agents that destroy the quality of human life as well as environment. Divisional commissioner Manoj Kumar is likely to visit Venice soon to finalize the project. In February last year, state investment commissioner, posted in New Delhi, received an e-mail from Alberto Cannetta of Italy, highlighting the cultural importance of the two cities. It was further stated that the work done by Consorzio Laguna, an institution tackling the pollution menace, had been universally considered as an example of the man’s fight to preserve environment and water resources for a better future for the city. In the light of the recent meeting between UP chief minister and Union minister for urban development in Varanasi, some concrete projects might be identified for implementation in the holy city. “Adoption of Varanasi as a sister city will not only give a major boost to tourism but also help in all-round development of the millennia old city,” said Anoop Srivastava, assistant director, UP Tourism.