Source: CNS News

PHILIPPINES, July 11, 2002: The Roman Catholic Church in Asia’s staunchest Catholic country, the Philippines, has apologized for cases of sexual abuse by priests over the past two decades. Following a weekend conference, Archbishop Orlando Quevedo, the president of the Catholic Bishops Conference, said up to 200 priests – of a total of 7,000 – may have been involved in “sexual misconduct” over that period. Some had been dismissed and most had voluntarily left the church. The church is drafting a “protocol” on dealing with future problems, including child abuse, romantic affairs and homosexuality. Offending priests may face rape or child abuse charges. The bishops’ statement said, “Forgiveness and apologies must flow into a commitment to be purified and renewed. That is what we resolve to do.” An estimated 85 percent of the 76 million people in the Philippines are Catholic. The only other Asian country that is predominantly Catholic is newly independent East Timor. The church has a large following in both Australia and New Zealand, and bishops in both countries have in recent months apologized for sexual misconduct by priests and other representatives. Police in Hong Kong are investigating several abuse complaints involving current or former Catholic priests, some going back almost four decades.