NEW DELHI, INDIA, July 25, 2002: One hundred thousand people, one destination. This year fourteen thousand people have already had darshan, sight of the Deity, at Amarnath, a small cave shrine of Lord Siva high up in the Himalayas. Amarnath yatras, pilgrimages, have been called off due to harsh weather and terrorists ambush. But nothing deters the yatri, pilgrim. Vimla Verma is blessed. “I went the first time for a pilgrimage, and fell in love with scenic Kashmir. So I went back, for God and for sightseeing,” reminisces the 70-year-old. “Curiosity” and a sense of adventure made neurosurgeon Dr. Pranab Mishra agree to accompany an aunt. “It was stunning, so scenic. I regret, I did not enjoy it more.” said Mishra. In the five days there were two blasts, in Pahalgam and Sheshnag. But that is not the first thing that comes to mind. What does is the “amazing sight of old people, old women in saris and slippers walking up resolutely.” said thirty-year-old journalist Aradhna Sharma. Looking at them you would think they couldn’t even walk a few steps. But they keep climbing.” “I had a strange experience. I had had a foot infection for some time. When I got back to the base camp and soaked my weary feet in hot water, I saw it was completely gone.” Faith, valor, joy. They all converge at Amarnath.