MUMBAI, INDIA, July 20, 2002: Indian television is launching a reality show which will arrange marriages for potential brides. “Kahin naa Kahin koi hai” takes viewers through the entire journey as the bride meets prospective grooms and their families, gets to know them and selects a spouse. Beginning July 29, the show will be hosted by veteran film actress Madhuri Dixit. “It is a show about real people and their dreams,” she said. The program will have no pre-written dialogue. The potential bride’s family will be asked to give a wish-list which will be matched with a huge data bank of prospective grooms, built up over two years. Though the actual wedding will not take place on television, the couple will exchange rings and garlands in the studio. Sony has already filmed 11 brides choosing their grooms. It is prepared to film more if the programs prove popular. “We will wait to see public reaction,” said Sony Entertainment Television’s chief executive Kunal Dasgupta. “Indians are basically very shy,” says Indu Mirani the associate editor of film magazine, Box Office. “They do not appreciate intrusion in their personal lives.” While the debate continues, it is ultimately the viewers who will decide whether or not the marriage show succeeds.