CHENNAI, INDIA, July 28, 2002: Despite police action against the practice of untouchability in tea shops of rural Tamil Nadu, several shopkeepers, under pressure from caste Hindus, continue with the discriminatory “two-tumbler” system. Tea shops in several villages serve hot beverages in “two tumblers”–cheap glass ones for the Dalits and shiny stainless steel containers for the caste Hindus. And now, a “three-tumbler” system too is adopted in some areas-plastic cups for outsiders whose caste identity is not known. Despite a law prohibiting it, the ubiquitous “Two Tumbler” system is still in operation in rural teashops around Tamil Nadu. Though the “two and three-tumbler” system is a brazen violation of the SC\ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act and the Protection of Civil Rights Act, it is an accepted practice in southern Tamil Nadu. If tea shops do not discriminate against the Dalits, the caste Hindus will throw the shop owners out. The only positive development over the years is the withdrawal of coconut shell, referred to as “sirattai,” which served as the tea cup for the Dalits. Though widespread, the practice has been escaping the attention of officials. The primary reason is that the Dalit victims are not willing to lodge a formal complaint for fear of further oppression by the caste Hindus. Another reason is that the villagers do not want to ignite caste flare-ups over a cup of tea. When officials make surprise inspections, the tumblers vanish and disposable cups take their place. Whenever there is a threat of agitation from any organization, the villagers “unite together.”